And the real horror that no one seems to be talking about are the people who will be on her cabinet and be in powerful positions. imagine AOC and her ilk in cabinet positions, agency heads... omg

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Republican or Democrat, Alan Dershowitz is a great lawyer. He believes in the constitution and the law . He is always clear in his commentary. We need more like him

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How on earth could anyone support the CIA backed Democrat arm of the UNIPARTY?

The most illiberal totalitarian party whose roots are pure evil. Look at what they do and not what they say.

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Sep 10·edited Sep 10

The unrestrained ego from this virurently angry. perhaps on-the-way to dementia propagandist, is both astonishing and concerning . It is a great concern that a widely believed serial pedophile offender is so persistently involved in influencing the foreign policy of the United States, constantly pushing for subordination of the national interests of the United States to the Jewish state, while ignoring and/or publically whitewashing the extreme flaws of that state, including its racism, fundamental oppression and lack of any equality for the indigenous non-Jewish population and its the still ongoing genocide orchestrated by Prime Minister Netanyahu who is now thru AIPAC and thru this Dershowitz, pushing the United States, in his speech in Congress and by lobbying, into a war with Iran, a country of 100 million competent and nationalistic people. The man many of us conclude commited moral offenses of graphic and extreme pedophilia lacks loyalty to the United States, and is intellectually a Benedict Arnold or Julius Rosenberg. The worse does not stop there- - -Dershowitz has influencing and intimidating capacity and connections to motivate bureucrats. His history includes getting a full immunity for all actions and omissions committed in connection with Epstein slave children and marshalling a million dollars to pay off an accuser to avoid civil trial and of course constant effort to intimidate others- - - he is able to significantly contribute to 1) causing that war with Iran, and to 2) maintaining Israeli/AIPAC control of a) American Mideast discourse, b) the Americans appointed to administer US Mideast policy and to c) continue American complicity with the Netanyahu/Gallant/IDF war crimes.. If Americas's future is to be determined by foreign agent(s), can it at least be influenced instead by foreign agents unconnected with the enduring stain of credibly suspected pedophilic activities, and unconnected to a decade of failing to act to protect those slave girls.by informing police or publically cooperating with identifying other participants and crimes in Epstein's child sex slave operation. While the USA seems so vulnerable because of lobbying to Dershowitz propaganda/influencing, Netanyahu himself keeps Dershowitz at a distance because of Dershowitz's involvement with Epstein. Netanyahu finds Dershowitz a useful PR tool but certainly is not to be allowed to represent Israel at the ICJ trial. Dershowitz can retain his center-of -attention position by coming clean about Epstein and Dershowitz's personal involvement in the child sex blackmail operation and other people running the operation and the rich and fsmous who were blackmailed because of what they did.

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What took you so long?

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Excuse me Professor….i am not interested as to why you have left the BorgDem Party….you should have left it ages ago so to me your perceptual mechanism and discernment are severly limited….this party has been evil ever since it was formed and for a so called educated brilliant man i find you average in your opinions….average……even your law opinions are average or at most deluded in their premises………and I do not have a law degree but I am smart…..really smart…

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100% correct

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Dr. Dershowitz, why don't you respond to anyone?

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Finally! I am Jewish. I have voted 1 time for a Democrat, and that was for the Mayor of Tucson, Ron Barber. My father is retired USAF officer. Maybe that is why I don't follow in line with stereo typical Jewish voters?

You leaving the Democrat party means nothing if you vote for the Democrat party. Mrs. Harris is run by her Democrat handlers.

Lastly, I am a nurse. I have a Masters Degree, graduating with academic honors. I taught in the Grad program at the University of Arizona, for 9 years.

I was an ICU nurse for 27 years.

Currently, I work with poor people, in AZ. Many moved here from MX and other countries later in their lives. They didn't work in the US, but receive social security and Medicare. There is a health clinic business in Tucson that accepts cash from young pregnant non-citizens for prenatal cars and delivery of their babies in the US.

Most of the time, they take their babies, who as you know, are US citizens, back to MX. Sometimes they disappear.

They live in poverty, cement floors, in gang areas of their cities/towns.

Democrats are their representatives.

Tucson is run by crooked Democrats who pad their pockets. They lie to the people who do not have the means to learn or hear other views. Maybe a 6th grade education.

No internet. Maybe a cell phone. Rent and utilities and food too expensive.

Housing is unaffordable, and lacking.

And you would consider voting for a Democrat? Because Tucker Carlson didn't choose to interview you?

My mom has said, since I was a child, "if I only cared for myself, I would vote for a Democrat."

Time to stop the woe is me, and look at the big picture.

Our children. They are most important.

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Alan I am in total agreement with you. I struggle every day as to who I will vote for. I am a registered Independent and have been most of my adult life. Some of these comments are downright rude and show such lack of intelligence. We have a very flawed political system in this country and we probably always have just have to note vote or hold your nose and vote for the lesser of all evils🤔

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Alan is basically trying to hide his own sex crimes and is betting on trump because Alan and Trump have both used the Epstein sex island.

This isn't difficult, we know Alan raped kids and he is doing EVERYTHING POSSIBLE TO GET AWAY FROM HIS CRIMINAL ACTIVITY.

And frankly, Alan is going to be punished in for this shit. Doesn't matter who he votes for - no one likes a child rapist, Alan.

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All politicians lie, it's their actions that speak volumes. No matter what Harris says about supporting Israel, she boycotted Netanyahu's speech in Congress. That alone speaks as to to which side she leans towards, it's the same side as the anti-semitic SQUAD. That action alone foreshadows what she will do if elected president. When it comes to politics, you are so incredibly naive, it's staggering. What took you so long to leave the Democrat Party? The party of segregation and hate. It never was what you imagined it to be.

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Did I miss it? Who is he gonna vote for?

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You should condemn the Zionist apartheid state for Genocide. As well as leading the USA down the path of destruction.


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PS you have been excellent in terms of Israel…..I must at least tell you that….

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