Seems like American Justice is always"slow-crawling" or completely inert when celebrities with political influence are involved A serious problem with lower levels of the judiciary and prosecutorial branches is that many are either political appointees or elected and dependent upon financial donations for re-election. This is the fundamental threat to democracy, giving the monied and politically obsessed control over the regulatory and interpretative functions of American government. There is no doubt that the Israel First lobbies have openly corrupted Congress (see the website "OPEN SECRETS" and learn how a Nevada senator ("Jackie" ) gets USD 5 million thru AIPAC annually) and amazingly required the corruptees to invite Netanyahu to address Congress while he received 13 standing ovations, all calculated to maximize AIPAC's politicaL donations.
So with this background of corruption in America driven by political/ideological lobby groups on the behalf of a foreign nation, "Will Alan Dershowitz, Harvard emeritus,EVER be indicted for allegations of serial pedophilic underage rape, interstate child sex trafficking and failure to report child sex abuse as required by Mandatory State Law requiring that reporting.?"
Excellent show. Right on point, all about legal issues rather than questionable political opinions. Bravo! For sure, if Bragg gets aways with this, he can do the same to anybody or everybody, no one would be spared. As for Gaetz, I think it is both theories: one, a diversion and then a way out for him. As usual, I support Israel 100%, always have. Keep it up. Cheers!
Yes, keep us updated on Israel for she is loved dearly by so many Americans. My understanding of the allegation against Gaetz (Gaytz) is the no charges were brought against him by the DOJ, but doctor is serving 11 years for same. House Ethics has had nearly a year to write a report, but it is still a rough draft. Why Gaetz? Because of the Weaponization of Justice and the need for a “bulldog” to clean it out of this scourge.
Thank you for offering your services to President Trump, especially to release him from the trap Merchan and Bragg mercilessly locked him in for paperwork.
Who or what is actually “going down” in #Trump’s “garde-robe” (fr.) from #Elmo’s perspective at this very moment? Check out #Maggie’s take as #Melania to find out! … #Maggie knocks the lights right out of the park in this perfect #Melania-rendition of the “new” budding and graphically displayed #Bromance between #47 and his new esposo and lover of efficiency. #Elmo! C=> #Lunacy-Rules-Amerika!
This Judge has abused his powers and the whole Jurisprudence . The Supreme Court needs to intervene for the sake of the nation and impeach this judge with consequences . But it goes deeper and the rest will have to be dealt when the new Trump administration is sworn in.
Dr. Alan, please give your insight into the legal aspects of the right to a timely trial and the government's justification, in this case, for delaying the sentence. Does this delay violate the speedy trial requirement since a conviction only occurs upon the court's sentencing? If this principle applies, he most certainly is not receiving a speedy trial. Can his defense now request a mistrial since they can't do the sentencing except in haste?
I think not. It would be a total embarrassment for him because he expected President Trump to lose because of these unfounded allegations and his bully techniques.
Seems like American Justice is always"slow-crawling" or completely inert when celebrities with political influence are involved A serious problem with lower levels of the judiciary and prosecutorial branches is that many are either political appointees or elected and dependent upon financial donations for re-election. This is the fundamental threat to democracy, giving the monied and politically obsessed control over the regulatory and interpretative functions of American government. There is no doubt that the Israel First lobbies have openly corrupted Congress (see the website "OPEN SECRETS" and learn how a Nevada senator ("Jackie" ) gets USD 5 million thru AIPAC annually) and amazingly required the corruptees to invite Netanyahu to address Congress while he received 13 standing ovations, all calculated to maximize AIPAC's politicaL donations.
So with this background of corruption in America driven by political/ideological lobby groups on the behalf of a foreign nation, "Will Alan Dershowitz, Harvard emeritus,EVER be indicted for allegations of serial pedophilic underage rape, interstate child sex trafficking and failure to report child sex abuse as required by Mandatory State Law requiring that reporting.?"
Excellent show. Right on point, all about legal issues rather than questionable political opinions. Bravo! For sure, if Bragg gets aways with this, he can do the same to anybody or everybody, no one would be spared. As for Gaetz, I think it is both theories: one, a diversion and then a way out for him. As usual, I support Israel 100%, always have. Keep it up. Cheers!
Yes, keep us updated on Israel for she is loved dearly by so many Americans. My understanding of the allegation against Gaetz (Gaytz) is the no charges were brought against him by the DOJ, but doctor is serving 11 years for same. House Ethics has had nearly a year to write a report, but it is still a rough draft. Why Gaetz? Because of the Weaponization of Justice and the need for a “bulldog” to clean it out of this scourge.
Thank you for offering your services to President Trump, especially to release him from the trap Merchan and Bragg mercilessly locked him in for paperwork.
Why don¨t you love America more dearly than that foreign nation with quite foreign values?
No. Full speed to SCOTUS.
Who or what is actually “going down” in #Trump’s “garde-robe” (fr.) from #Elmo’s perspective at this very moment? Check out #Maggie’s take as #Melania to find out! … #Maggie knocks the lights right out of the park in this perfect #Melania-rendition of the “new” budding and graphically displayed #Bromance between #47 and his new esposo and lover of efficiency. #Elmo! C=> #Lunacy-Rules-Amerika!
This Judge has abused his powers and the whole Jurisprudence . The Supreme Court needs to intervene for the sake of the nation and impeach this judge with consequences . But it goes deeper and the rest will have to be dealt when the new Trump administration is sworn in.
lawless LawFare will be a thing of the past 4 years when the treasonous lawless LawFare are prosecuted for their treasonous lawless LawFare
Dr. Alan, please give your insight into the legal aspects of the right to a timely trial and the government's justification, in this case, for delaying the sentence. Does this delay violate the speedy trial requirement since a conviction only occurs upon the court's sentencing? If this principle applies, he most certainly is not receiving a speedy trial. Can his defense now request a mistrial since they can't do the sentencing except in haste?
I think not. It would be a total embarrassment for him because he expected President Trump to lose because of these unfounded allegations and his bully techniques.