I would argue that states, and the people living there, are perfectly capable of determining their abortion laws, including what drugs may or may not be permissible, without Washington apparatchiks interposing. Over the last one hundred years the United States has moved from a decentralized approach to governance, under the banner of a republic, to a top down, plutocratic, centralized state. Corruption is arguably worse than ever, poverty and crime are much worse, the war machine is in full swing, and we have fewer freedoms across the board.
I think what people really want is the opportunity to choose laws that reflect their values, not the values of the Washington establishment.
The irony is that the radical left preaches diversity, yet notice how difficult it is for the postmodernists to acccept diversity of thought. We are a very large republic, not the borg. Alabama and Texas do not need to be assimilated because the people living there don't subscribe to the views of those with 20M dollar vacation homes on Martha's vineyard.
The con-law rationale of the Supreme Court's decision in Roe v. Wade was bunk, as even liberal constitutional scholars have acknowledged (e.g., Yale Prof. John Hart Ely ), but Prof. D is clearly right about the perverse political consequences of the Dobbs decision. It ruined the GOP's previously-excellent chances of regaining control of the Senate and may well ensure a richly-undeserved second term for Joe Biden, which this country can ill afford.
Much of the problem is people are understanding abortion in the terms of decades long gone. The reality is we live in an age where people don't use any birth control, and have abortions based on the gender of the fetus, and vicious marketing of abortion where every abortion turns a profit.
Yes, the shift in mentality is somewhat disturbing. On the one hand, everyone understands that extenuating circumstances lead to undesirable outcomes, like getting raped or getting pregnant at 15 because you were unaware of the risk, etc, and I think that's why most people are willing to permit abortion up until a certain period of time -- say until quickening. On the other hand, wearing t-shirts that say you are proud to have had an abortion speaks to a certain level of degeneracy that did not exist in the 1960's. Abortion was not meant to be birth control. It was meant for rare cases.
Abortion kills a human made in the image of God. Should man have authority over killing that life just because it’s in the early stages of development. That life is already stamped with everything (DNA, hair color, eye color, how tall when grown, talents & gifts, etc.) - all traits that will unfold with time. Who is mankind to take that life? Slippery Slope we’ve been on since Roe. Personally I believe God’s hand of judgment has been upon our nation since.
If the USA continues to exist I also believe future generations will recognize these days as a our American Holocaust.
If life in the womb (at any stage) isn’t revered we are doomed. Already we see evidence of such in society where life is devalued. If it’s ok to snuff out the existence of a pre-born baby, then what lessons there for that inner city youth who doesn’t see any value to that person he just shot dead in a drive-by or competing gang member.
As Alan Keyes once stated “there’s no right way to do a wrong thing.”
The rebuttal, of course, and this is what Dershowitz mentions, is that not everyone subscribes to the view that birth begins at conception, and if you look at the totality of the population you'll find that the vast majority do not. Therefore, laws that permit abortion up until "quickening" seem to be a compromise between your view, which is a respected religious view, and the more radical left view which now calls for late term abortions.
I would argue that states, and the people living there, are perfectly capable of determining their abortion laws, including what drugs may or may not be permissible, without Washington apparatchiks interposing. Over the last one hundred years the United States has moved from a decentralized approach to governance, under the banner of a republic, to a top down, plutocratic, centralized state. Corruption is arguably worse than ever, poverty and crime are much worse, the war machine is in full swing, and we have fewer freedoms across the board.
I think what people really want is the opportunity to choose laws that reflect their values, not the values of the Washington establishment.
The irony is that the radical left preaches diversity, yet notice how difficult it is for the postmodernists to acccept diversity of thought. We are a very large republic, not the borg. Alabama and Texas do not need to be assimilated because the people living there don't subscribe to the views of those with 20M dollar vacation homes on Martha's vineyard.
The con-law rationale of the Supreme Court's decision in Roe v. Wade was bunk, as even liberal constitutional scholars have acknowledged (e.g., Yale Prof. John Hart Ely ), but Prof. D is clearly right about the perverse political consequences of the Dobbs decision. It ruined the GOP's previously-excellent chances of regaining control of the Senate and may well ensure a richly-undeserved second term for Joe Biden, which this country can ill afford.
Much of the problem is people are understanding abortion in the terms of decades long gone. The reality is we live in an age where people don't use any birth control, and have abortions based on the gender of the fetus, and vicious marketing of abortion where every abortion turns a profit.
Yes, the shift in mentality is somewhat disturbing. On the one hand, everyone understands that extenuating circumstances lead to undesirable outcomes, like getting raped or getting pregnant at 15 because you were unaware of the risk, etc, and I think that's why most people are willing to permit abortion up until a certain period of time -- say until quickening. On the other hand, wearing t-shirts that say you are proud to have had an abortion speaks to a certain level of degeneracy that did not exist in the 1960's. Abortion was not meant to be birth control. It was meant for rare cases.
Great thinking as usual professor….the 6 week limit in Florida will hurt DeSantis tremendously
Abortion kills a human made in the image of God. Should man have authority over killing that life just because it’s in the early stages of development. That life is already stamped with everything (DNA, hair color, eye color, how tall when grown, talents & gifts, etc.) - all traits that will unfold with time. Who is mankind to take that life? Slippery Slope we’ve been on since Roe. Personally I believe God’s hand of judgment has been upon our nation since.
If the USA continues to exist I also believe future generations will recognize these days as a our American Holocaust.
If life in the womb (at any stage) isn’t revered we are doomed. Already we see evidence of such in society where life is devalued. If it’s ok to snuff out the existence of a pre-born baby, then what lessons there for that inner city youth who doesn’t see any value to that person he just shot dead in a drive-by or competing gang member.
As Alan Keyes once stated “there’s no right way to do a wrong thing.”
The rebuttal, of course, and this is what Dershowitz mentions, is that not everyone subscribes to the view that birth begins at conception, and if you look at the totality of the population you'll find that the vast majority do not. Therefore, laws that permit abortion up until "quickening" seem to be a compromise between your view, which is a respected religious view, and the more radical left view which now calls for late term abortions.